
Programs 2024-01-11T17:27:29+00:00

Satsang with Nick Gancitano
Every Tuesday & Friday
On Zoom & Live in-person in State College, Pennsylvania, USA

Satsang is being in the company of a Jnani (a Self-Realized Teacher). Satsang with Nick Gancitano is held Tuesday and Friday from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Register to attend online or text/call 814-626-9777 to attend in person. $20 US

Introduction to Meditation
Every Wednesday in person and on Zoom

For those who have little or no experience with meditation, this is our entry-level class so you can grasp the basics and establish a daily meditation practice. Held every Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. ET. Register to attend online or text/call 814-626-9777 to attend in person. $10 US


Intensive Programs & Darshan

The Self-Inquiry Center offers the following programs in various locations throughout the United States and in Tiruvannamalai, India. Private Darshan with Nick Gancitano is held either in person or via video call. Contact Us for program details or to schedule a Private Darshan.


Arunachala Self-Inquiry Program

Join us for our annual trip to Tiruvannamalai, India, and rest in the tranquility of Arunachala. This comprehensive program consists of 3 weeks of jnana yoga with Nick Gancitano. Each session, which takes place at the foot of India’s sacred hill Arunachala, is designed to clear the intellect of obstructions, so Self-Inquiry may occur effortlessly. During daily sessions, contemplation of nondual principles will redirect one’s attention from mental objectification to the heart-center. Self-Inquiry will no longer be an accumulated concept as you disappear and become the Truth.

The combination of extended periods on Arunachala and a sattvic diet yields the optimal environment for Self-awareness to spontaneously occur. The Self-Inquiry Center provides housing, breakfast, lunch and all program materials within our India facility. Remaining in this constant stillness benefits those seeking truth and ultimately results in Self-Realization. Religious rituals and ceremonies were never a part of this direct teaching, nor will it not be encouraged during this one. 

All participants are encouraged to spend as much time as possible on Arunachala and not philosophizing. This focus allows the essence of the teaching to be revealed with minimal distractions. The Arunachala Program will bring you to rest in the tranquility of the Self as our 21-day intensive offers an unprecedented opportunity to stabilize in the presence of the heart. This comprehensive program will also prepare you to stabilize in your grasp of non-dual wisdom and Self-Inquiry.

Program Duration: 3 weeks in mid-November through mid-December, with the option of one additional week

Contact Us for advance program details.


Discovering Self-Inquiry

“Discovering Self-Inquiry” is the core of all our instruction and is the most comprehensive program of its kind, featuring the teachings of both Self-Inquiry and non-dual contemplation (jnana), which are components of this spiritual path to enlightenment. Participants will be introduced to tools that enhance one’s Self-awareness, eventually allowing one to sustain Self-abidance. Whether you are interested in meditation or Self-Realization, this is an comprehensive introductory program with practical application for daily life. Private programs are also available year-round and group programs can be scheduled upon request. Contact Us to make arrangements.

Enlightenment Is

“Enlightenment Is” is a 3-day weekend program featuring an in-depth exploration into the illusion of form. This program requires one to consider, What is reality? Through an intensive Self-Inquiry and a precise sequence of interactive exercises, participants will recognize both limitations of sensory perception and egoic strategies that restrict one from knowing the Self. This program takes you on a journey that destroys limitations and conditioned beliefs that have kept you stuck in duality, blindly searching for happiness in people, places, things and events. Throughout this program, you will be reminded of your True Self beyond the veil of illusions. Next Program Date TBA. (Discovering Self-Inquiry is a prerequisite.)

Or check out the Recommended Reading.